Task for Vauxhall Diesel Scandal

Eleanor Raine
3 min readApr 20, 2021

Create a campaign to acquire qualifying leads for the Vauxhall diesel scandal in software of your choice.



Ad(s) to attract users who could qualify to make a claim.

Landing page:

Create a landing page for both mobile and desktop. It should Inform a user of the background to the scandal, and the conditions that qualify them to be able to make a valid claim. It should direct the user to supply their details.

Presentation: (word doc, pdf etc)

Please put together a simple document to explain your reasoning for the elements you have created and why you think they would convince a Facebook user to leave their details.

My Work

I have created a design for a law firm who have taken on this case and are looking for clients to represent and ensure they receive the money they are owed due to the Vauxhall diesel scandal.

I researched law firms and decided I need a clear and professional campaign style to show that the company is experienced, reliable and trustworthy to prospective clients. I kept a running theme through all platforms to create a more intuitive experience so clients will be able move from one device to another and recognise the company and how to navigate the site.

Facebook Ads Campaign

  • Created catchy phrases to grab readers attention
  • Included all relevant information — background of the scandal, conditions to apply and qualify.
  • Used the Facebook ads call to action (CTA) button ‘Learn More’ for the users to be directed to the website landing page.
  • Included the Vauxhall logo so users instantly know what company they claim is for.

Website Design

I used dark colours on the website to create a professional look, with bold stand out colours for my call to action buttons to make them stand and draw the eye to them.

I created my design with a left to right fashion as users often read pages in a Z motion. Using only one font I created contrast and emphasis of different texts to show a hierarchy of importance and what the reader should look at first. I decided to have one font and colour to make it easier for the user as they don’t have to think about the colours/different structures of fonts, just what the text says.

Mobile Application

I wanted the mobile application to mimic the website but still be easy to use and fit the size of the screen well. I created a filter hamburger menu for my top navigation for an easy drop down of all the categories included on the website. I wanted to keep the ‘join the claim’ Button on the main page so it was easy for people to find. For the mobile app I stacked the information so that I did not have to make the text, images of CTAs smaller and harder to read and click on when on such a small device.

